FINE Green Tea & Coffee Diet (1 box 30 sachets)
Green Tea & Coffee Diet is one of the finest products curated by Takahumi Kudo,M.D.—one of the most famous weight loss diet doctor in Japan !! Green Tea & Coffee Diet consists of a special formulation of green tea powder mixed with coffee bean powder. It is good for a weight loss diet without exerting too much on the jogging track. It works in a way where Chlorogenic Acid in coffee and Catechins from green tea assists in weight reduction. The light, smooth, refreshing taste is easy on the taste palettes and is a perfect addition for a daily go to beverage!
How to use:
Take 1 to 3 stick with 150ml to 300ml of hot water or 250ml to 300ml of water. For better solubility, dissolve it in a little hot water before adding the remaining amount of water.
Key Benefits
● Weight loss
● Cold prevention
● Healthy drink
● Great light-tasting coffee
● For those who want to go on a diet with minimal effort
Ingredients: Coffee, Green Tea Powder, Raw Coffee Bean Extract, Coffee bean powder/Tea Extract
Product Volume: 45g (1.5g×30sticks)
Product Texture: Powder
Product Expiry Date : August 2023
Product Warning:
●If it does not suit you, reduce the amount of serving or discontinue use.
●Consume it as soon as possible after unsealed.
●Consume right after it has been dissolved.
●A taste/color may vary or a precipiate may appear due to its own ingredient, but that doesn't affect quality of the product.
●Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating
Products packed in box with Eco-friendly material 📦
Product legally imported from FINE Japan. Genuine product guaranteed!
綠茶和咖啡,由日本最熱門的知名減肥專科醫生工藤孝文 (Takahumi Kudo,M.D)先生親自監督!
日本瘦身專家工藤孝文是專研醫生,他指出:「綠茶咖啡減肥茶飲特別針對三餐外食、 生活忙碌、沒有控制飲食或運動的人。即使需要控制體重以遠離慢性病的人都非常適合不過。」工藤孝文醫生亦曾經親身實證,測試前他的體重為92公斤,測試期間並沒有強逼自己做運動,刻意控制飲食。在幾乎跟日常生活沒差情況下,只依靠在餐前,一天飲用三杯綠茶咖啡,便有效在10個月內減掉25公斤。
- 綠茶的茶素中,綠原酸成份有助減肥瘦身。
- 幫助脂肪燃燒,提供能量給肌肉。
- 能夠在減少身體脂肪,美體瘦身效果。
- 咖啡香味醇厚,締造飽滿順滑口感,能美體塑身。
- 入口滑順、甘甜不澀、不酸、苦味驟降。
- 咖啡豆有濃厚的綠茶香味。
- 低卡路里含量<5.3千卡/100毫升。
- 獨立包裝容易攜帶
我们是Fine Japan 在马来西亚的合法授权经销商
日本制造🇯🇵 原装合法进口。正品保证✅
#finejapan #greenteacoffee #diet #takahumikudo